Zhukovskiy ranniy
Included in the State Register for the North-West, Central, Volgo-Vyatsky, Central Black Soil, North Caucasus, Middle Volzhsky, Lower Volzhsky, Uralsky, West-Siberian and Far East regions. This variety is very early-season crop.
It is perfect for cooking and suitable for making crispy potatoes in autumn period.
The potato plants are medium tall semi-spreading, cormophytic type. The leaves are small, green,vernicose. The blossoming is medium-intensity and long lasting. The potatoes corollas are red-violet. Tubers are pink with red, shallow eyes. The pulp is white.
Good to medium tuber taste and longevity. The resting period is short. Resistant to potato nematode, common scab, rhizoctonia. Susceptible to late blight by tops and tubers. Medium resistant to bacteriosis. It is relatively heat-and drought-resistant. Variety value: very early bulking, high marketability, resistance to nematode. The year of inclusion in the register is 1993.
On the 60th day after bedding the yield of grocery-ware tubers is 10-12 ton per hectare, and 40-45 ton per hectare in the final digging.
- Marketability: 90-92%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 100-120 гр
- Starch content: 10-12%
- Storability: 93%
Included in the State Register for the Central and Central Black-Soil regions. This middle-early type is suitable for potato crisps making.
The stems are medium-tall and tall, strait and semi-erect. The leaves are medium and large, transition type, green and deep green, slightly and medium wavy along the edge. The potatoes corollas are medium and large, red-violet.
Marketable productivity is 15,9 – 27,0 ton per hectare.
Maximum yield is 43,5 ton per hectare.
Tubers are round-oval with a few, medium deep eyes. The peel is smooth and medium, reddish. The pulp is light yellow.
Immune to potato cancer, not infected with golden potato cyst nematode. Green mass is receptive to late blight and tubers are moderately susceptible to late blight.
Year of listing in register is 2007.
- Marketability: 83-99%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 98-144 гр
- Starch content: 13-19,9%
- Storability: 91%
Red Scarlett
Included in the State Register for the North-West, Central, Volgo-Vyatsky and West-Siberian regions. This early-season type is perfect for cooking. The stems are low-tall, transition type, semi-erect. The leaves are medium-sized, green and slightly wavy along the edge. The potatoes corollas are medium size and red-violet. The tuber formation is rated as even germination.
The crop yield is 8,4 ton per hectare on the 45th day after the full seedlings, and 10,8 ton per hectare on the 55th day.
The top yield is 27,0 ton per hectare. Marketable productivity is 16,4-19,2 ton per hectare.
The tubers are oblong-oval with shallow eyes. The peel is red. The pulp is yellow. The taste of potatoes is rated as satisfactory. Resistant to potato cancer and golden potato cyst nematode. Green mass and tubers are moderately susceptible to late blight.
The value of the variety is: resistance to nematodes, yielding power of early ripening, high marketability and preservation capacity of tubers.
Year of listing in register is 2000
- Marketability: 82-96%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 56-102 g
- Starch content: 10,1-15,6%
- Storability: 93%
Included in the State Register for the North-West, Central, Volgo-Vyatsky, North Caucasus and Far East regions of Russia. This early-season type is perfect for cooking and suitable for making into crispy potatoes in autumn period. The stems are medium-tall, the plant is multicaulis and semi-spreading. The leaves are deep green with large parts. The potatoes corollas are white. The tubers are light-beige. The tuber eyes are shallow. The pulp is white.
The yield is 30-50 ton per hectare, but it is 12-15 ton per hectare on the 60th day after planting in case of early digging.
The taste of potatoes is rated from satisfactory to good. The tubers are well stored. Green mass is moderately susceptible and tubers are moderately resistant to late blight, resistant to soft and dry rots, Mosaic viruses, scab and Rhizoctonia rot. Susceptible to Early blight. When chloride potassium fertilizers are applied, the pulp may darken. Seeds should be planted in heated soil. This type of potatoes is ecologically flexible.
Variety value: high yield and marketability, resistance to the complex of diseases and good preservation capacity during winter period.
Year of listing in register is 1994.
- Marketability: 96-100%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 120-250 гр
- Starch content: 12-15%
- Storability: 91%
Included in the State Register for the Central, Volgo-Vyatsky, North-West and Nizhnevolzhsky regions of Russia. Tubers are oval with shallow eyes, the peel is yellow, the pulp is light yellow
The yielding according to the official tests is 18,0–36,0 ton per hectare (maximum is 37,0 ton per hectare).
The taste of potatoes is rated as good. Green mass and tubers are moderately susceptible to late blight. Resistant to potato cancer and golden potato cyst nematode. Relatively resistant to virus diseases and Common scab.
Variety value: early maturation of tubers, high yield, taste of potatoes is rated as good, and it is also resistant to nematodes. Year of listing in register is 1995.
- Marketability: 89-94%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 90-150 g
- Starch content: 10-15%
- Storability: 90%
This middle-early, average variety is ideal for cooking. The potato plants are tall, strait, compact. The leaves are large, transition type, green and angular. The number of inflorescences is medium. Swift-flowing variety. The flowers are white. Berry formation is rare.
The average yield of this variety is 36,8-44,5 ton per hectare.
The taste of potatoes is rated as good. Medium soft boiled potato. Storage quality of potatoes is rated as good. The plants are known for having good drought tolerance. Responsive to fertilizers and irrigation. Resistant to potato cancer, golden potato cyst nematode, Late Blight, Ring Rot, Black-leg, Common scab, Rhizoctonia, Potato rugose mosaic and veinbanding of potato. Also resistant to Potato leaf roll. On the testing stage.
- Marketability: 80-94%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 90-105 g
- Starch content: 14,3%
- Storability: 92%
Included in the State Register for Volgo-Vyatsky, North Caucasus and Middle Volga regions. This early-season variety is perfect for cooking. The potato plants are medium-tall, transition type and semi-erect. The leaves are large, transition type, green. The potatoes corollas are medium size. The intensity of the anthocyanin coloration of the potatoes corollas inside is medium.
Marketable productivity is 16,8-39,3 ton per hectare. It is at the level of the Udacha standard, and it is 6,4 ton per hectare above the Pushkinets standard. Maximum yield is 41,5 ton per hectare. It is at the Udacha standard level (Kirovskaya oblast).
Crop yield on the 45th day after full seedlings (first digging), is 8,0-16,6 ton per hectare – it is at the level of the Udacha standard. The yield on the 55th day (second digging) is 11,6-31,4 ton per hectare at the Udacha standard level, and it is 4,2 ton per hectare above the Pushkinets standard.
Tubers are oblong-oval with shallow eyes. The peel is yellow. The pulp is light yellow. The taste of potatoes is rated as good and excellent. Resistant to potato cancer. According to All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology the green mass and tubers of the plant are moderately susceptible to Late Blight. According to the plant selection breeder the tubers are resistant to potato rugose mosaic and veinbanding of potato. Resistant to Potato leaf roll. The type has extremely resistance to Potato Virus Y infection.
Year of listing in register is 2016.
- Marketability: 77-95%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 90-164 g
- Starch content: 14,8-18,8%
- Storability: 98%
Included in the State Register for Volgo-Vyatsky and North Caucasus regions. This middle-early variety is perfect for cooking. The potato plants are medium-tall, transition type and semi-erect. The leaves are large, transition type, green. The potatoes corollas are medium size. The intensity of the anthocyanin coloration of the potatoes corollas inside is medium.
Marketable productivity is 27,5-40,5 ton per hectare. It is 6,6-18,5 ton per hectare above the Korona and Nevsky standard. Maximum yield is 43,5 ton per hectare. It is 12,7 ton per hectare above the Nevsky standard (Kirovskaya oblast). Tubers are rounded with deep eyes. The peel is yellow. The pulp is light yellow.
Resistant to potato cancer, and golden potato cyst nematode. According to All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology the green mass and tubers of the plant are moderately susceptible to Late Blight. According to the plant selection breeder the tubers are resistant to potato rugose mosaic and veinbanding of potato. Resistant to Potato leaf roll. The type has extremely resistance to Potato Virus Y infection.
Year of listing in register is 2016.
- Marketability: 76-96%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 109-175 g
- Starch content: 14,8-17,6%
- Storability: 94%
This middle-early variety is ideal for cooking. The potato plants are medium-tall, transition type and semi-erect. The leaves are medium, open, deep green. The potatoes corollas are medium. The intensity of the anthocyanin coloration of the potatoes corollas inside is medium.
Marketable productivity is 30,5 ton per hectare. It is 4,2 ton per hectare above the Udacha standard.
Tubers are round-oval with a few, medium deep eyes. The peel is yellow. The pulp is light yellow. Resistant to potato cancer. According to the plant selection breeder the tubers are moderately resistant to potato rugose mosaic and veinbanding of potato. Resistant to Potato leaf roll.In the testing from 2019.
- Marketability: 78-96%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 160-240 гр
- Starch content: 11-14%
- Storability: 98%
Included in the State Register for Volgo-Vyatsky and Central Volga regions. This middle-early type is perfect for cooking. The stems are medium-tall, transition type, semi-erect. The leaves are medium, transition type, green. The potatoes corollas are medium size. The intensity of the anthocyanin coloration of the potatoes corollas inside is absent or very weak.
Marketable productivity is 12,6-34,0 ton per hectare, it is 4,0-18,8 ton per hectare above Nevsky, Visa, Ryabinushka, Russian souvenir, Zekura’s standards. Maximum yield is 34,0 ton per hectare, it is 4,0 ton per hectare above the Nevsky standard (Kirovskaya oblast).
The taste of potatoes is rated as good. Resistant to potato cancer, but susceptible to golden potato cyst nematode. According to the plant selection breeder the tubers are moderately resistant to potato rugose mosaic and veinbanding of potato. Resistant to Potato leaf roll.
Year of listing in register is 2019.
- Marketability: 78-96%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 76-330 g
- Starch content: 13-16%
- Storability: 98%