Included in the State Register for Volgo-Vyatsky and Central Volga regions. This middle-early type is perfect for cooking. The stems are medium-tall, transition type, semi-erect. The leaves are medium, transition type, green. The potatoes corollas are medium size. The intensity of the anthocyanin coloration of the potatoes corollas inside is absent or very weak.
Marketable productivity is 12,6-34,0 ton per hectare, it is 4,0-18,8 ton per hectare above Nevsky, Visa, Ryabinushka, Russian souvenir, Zekura’s standards. Maximum yield is 34,0 ton per hectare, it is 4,0 ton per hectare above the Nevsky standard (Kirovskaya oblast).
The taste of potatoes is rated as good. Resistant to potato cancer, but susceptible to golden potato cyst nematode. According to the plant selection breeder the tubers are moderately resistant to potato rugose mosaic and veinbanding of potato. Resistant to Potato leaf roll.
Year of listing in register is 2019.
- Marketability: 78-96%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 76-330 g
- Starch content: 13-16%
- Storability: 98%