Included in the State Register for Volgo-Vyatsky, North Caucasus and Middle Volga regions. This early-season variety is perfect for cooking. The potato plants are medium-tall, transition type and semi-erect. The leaves are large, transition type, green. The potatoes corollas are medium size. The intensity of the anthocyanin coloration of the potatoes corollas inside is medium.
Marketable productivity is 16,8-39,3 ton per hectare. It is at the level of the Udacha standard, and it is 6,4 ton per hectare above the Pushkinets standard. Maximum yield is 41,5 ton per hectare. It is at the Udacha standard level (Kirovskaya oblast).
Crop yield on the 45th day after full seedlings (first digging), is 8,0-16,6 ton per hectare – it is at the level of the Udacha standard. The yield on the 55th day (second digging) is 11,6-31,4 ton per hectare at the Udacha standard level, and it is 4,2 ton per hectare above the Pushkinets standard.
Tubers are oblong-oval with shallow eyes. The peel is yellow. The pulp is light yellow. The taste of potatoes is rated as good and excellent. Resistant to potato cancer. According to All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology the green mass and tubers of the plant are moderately susceptible to Late Blight. According to the plant selection breeder the tubers are resistant to potato rugose mosaic and veinbanding of potato. Resistant to Potato leaf roll. The type has extremely resistance to Potato Virus Y infection.
Year of listing in register is 2016.
- Marketability: 77-95%
- Weight of marketable tubers: 90-164 g
- Starch content: 14,8-18,8%
- Storability: 98%